Whether you are an incorporated company operating as a sole proprietorship, or in partnership with two or more person or an individual or a corporation working in a joint venture, you must be aware of the business laws for both provincial as well as federal acts.
Various types of Business Laws:
Business Formation Laws
A business entity may be any of the following types:
- a sole proprietorship,
- partnership, or
- a limited liability company (LLC)
The law defines the rules of formation. Each of these may differ in terms of tax structures and legal implications.
Employee Laws
OSHA (Occupational Health and Safety Administration) laws vary for different provinces and types of industry. When operating a business, you must ensure the health and safety of your employees. Knowing these laws in detail can help you operate your business efficiently.
Learn More about Employment Laws in Alberta.
License Laws
A restaurant business might require a different license than a computer store. Each business might need certain specific licenses to operate. For instance, a restaurant business might require a different license than a computer store.
You must have a right license before you start operating your business.
Zoning Law
This law defines whether your business is allowed to be operated in certain zones. As per the Federal or Provincial Laws, there might be few restrictions in particular areas which might prevent you from operating your business.
Tax Laws
These are extremely important laws as they can affect the day-to-day operations of a business. Taxes on your business can vary on many factors such as location, type of business, types of customers, sales volume etc. To be updated on these laws will help you operate your business smoothly.
Environment Laws
The Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act (EPEA) is the primary act in Alberta which regulates the rules for the management of air quality. It is extremely important for your business to comply with these regulations.
The details of Environmental Laws in Alberta can be found here.
Our Business Lawyers at Right Legal, in Edmonton, Alberta can help you to find a suitable law for your business.
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