Friday, June 29, 2018

Obtaining Power of Attorney for your parents

Your parents might need more assistance as they are getting old. By taking care of their daily lives to managing their financials, you can ensure that they can lead a healthy life. It is always advisable to obtain a Power of Attorney on behalf of your parents at an early stage.

The process of obtaining a Power of Attorney can be difficult to navigate, hence it is essential to know the details of it.

What is Power of Attorney?

Power of Attorney is a process of obtaining a nomination on behalf of someone to manage their livelihood and finances when the person is not capable of handling it themselves. The tasks may include dealing with finances such as Banks, revenue agencies, Insurance, Investments and other legal matters involving personal life choices and health.

There are specific guidelines that must be followed by the agent when it comes to the principal they are looking after.

Read about the differences between Personal Directive and a Power of Attorney.

Why Would Your Parents Need One?

It is unfortunate that one in eight-person, over the age of 65 years suffer from diseases such as Alzheimer’s or dementia. Click here to read more about the statistics. Given their inability to make right choices, legally, a person suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s cannot consent to have a Power of Attorney. Therefore, it of prime importance to obtain a legally binding Power of Attorney at the right time.

How do You Go About Obtaining Power of Attorney?

Discuss it with Your Parents

The first step is to have an agreement with your parents regarding their wish and your roles and responsibilities. It might be unclear at the start, yet having an informal agreement is advisable. You must ensure they are in a healthy state of mind to agree on things.

Determine the Type of Power of Attorney

Various types of Power of Attorney in Edmonton, Alberta:

  1. General Power of Attorney
  2. Special or Limited Power of Attorney
  3. Springing Power of Attorney
  4. Durable Power of Attorney

Choosing the right Power of Attorney for your needs is extremely important. It can vary from case to case basis. For example, a Springing Power of Attorney comes into effect only after a certain qualification is met, whereas an intermediate Power of Attorney effective immediately. Hence hiring an agent at this stage would be helpful to know the best possible type that suits you.

Understanding Requirements for Obtaining Power of Attorney in Alberta

A powerful document such as “Power of Attorney” is extremely important in one’s life. Each province in Canada has its own rules while documenting Power of Attorney and hence it becomes essential to hire a lawyer to document your case, who can ensure all the details are available. Our Edmonton, Alberta based Estate Lawyers at Right Legal can help you to create a Power of Attorney.

Get your documents Notarized

Once you or your lawyer have drafted the Power of Attorney, you must get it notarized with the registry in Alberta. You can use multiple copies to present the same to financial institutions such as Insurance, Revenue, Banks etc. However, it must be noted that you should obtain a true copy for Alberta Lands.

The post Obtaining Power of Attorney for your parents appeared first on Right Legal.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Sexual harassment: When to file a Civil Harassment Lawsuit

According to Alberta Human Rights Act, Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual behavior that adversely affects, or threatens to affect, directly or indirectly, a person’s job security, working conditions or prospects for promotion or earnings; or prevents a person from getting a job, living accommodations or any kind of public service.

Cases of sexual harassment have been rising and it is time for you to be aware of the laws in place. As a human, it’s your right to feel safe in your society and at the workplace. Although it is easy to file a lawsuit under sexual harassment in Canada, you must know few important points before starting the process.

Various types of sexual harassment:

According to Alberta Human Rights Commission, following acts qualify for sexual harassment :

  • suggestive remarks, sexual jokes or compromising invitations;
  • verbal abuse;
  • visual display of suggestive sexual images;
  • leering or whistling;
  • patting, rubbing or another unwanted physical contact;
  • outright demands for sexual favors; and
  • physical assault.


You may also refer to your employee manual for more details as most of the employers maintain a separate sexual harassment manual, under OHS Act, Regulation, and Code. In case of any confusion, you may always consult to your HR department or the grievance officer before approaching a lawyer.


Your First Step – Warning the Harasser

In case, you feel uncomfortable with any of the above-mentioned acts by someone, you may first choose to speak to the individual in order to let them know about the unwanted behavior. If you feel the case needs attention you may speak to the management of the organization and let them know about the act.

Organizations have this duty towards building commitment of a safe workplace. They must ensure measures are taken to prevent Sexual Harassment, yet they must have proper policies in place to punish the offender.


Filing a civil Harassment Lawsuit

You can choose to file a civil harassment lawsuit if you feel it’s the best way to remediate the act. Filing a civil harassment lawsuit is not similar to the one against a criminal suit. It gives you more control over the case. You can get in touch with of our Civil Litigation Lawyers at Right Legal to know more.

The post Sexual harassment: When to file a Civil Harassment Lawsuit appeared first on Right Legal.

Monday, June 18, 2018

Regular Divorce with dependent children – Everything you need to know in Alberta.

Divorce is officially an end to a legal marriage. There are various reasons for divorce and Alberta has outlined few rules that must be followed to file a case here. You can refer to more details here.

One type of divorce is – Regular Divorce with dependent children. Here, one spouse does all the paper work i.e., prepares the forms, files the forms and serves the forms whereas the other spouse receives paperwork and cannot do anything unless they wish to contest. These forms that you need are available at Alberta courts.

Grounds of divorce in Canada:


Separation for more than one year

If you are separated for more than a year and one of you intends to be separated. The divorce law attempts to reconcile for upto 90 days without having to start the year over again. For instance, you got separated in August and then got back in January next year, and again got separated in February, you date of separation is still August. It is advisable to start the divorce process almost towards the close of an year. Also, according to the divorce law in Alberta, either of the spouse must be a resident in Alberta for one full year before filing a divorce case.

Mental of physical cruelty (by your spouse)

A spouse may choose to file a divorce in cases, they experience either a Mental or physical spouse from their partner. In these cases an evidence needs to prepared before moving to the court.


If you think that your relationship has problems and you fail to sustain it, you can prepare yourself to file a divorce case. Before that you must be aware of major documents that are required to file a divorce case.


Major documents required to file a Divorce case in Alberta :

  1. Marriage Certificate:If married in Alberta, you can order a marriage certificate from the registry office. Marriage certificates from other provinces and countries are also valid.
  2. Written Agreements:You are required to collect any formal agreement that you and your spouse had, as a support to the evidence.
  3. Court orders:You will be required to produce a certified copy of any court orders, either from the court of Alberta or courts outside that deals with spousal support, child support or custody.
  4. Photo: You will need a recognizable photo of your spouse. Incase you have a family photo, you can use that by clearly marking your spouse.


Steps in Desk Divorce Process:

  1. Complete your statement of claim: This is the court form that informs the court and your spouse what is your intent out of the divorce. It mentions what you expect of the divorce.
  2. File your statement of claim: File the statement of claim with the court of Queen’s Bench along with the filing fees.
  3. Have the statement of claim served on your spouse: You must ensure that the statement of claim reaches your spouse. At this stage no formal agreement is required, unless they accept everything mentioned in the document. In case they don’t agree to some specific points, they can file for a contested divorce.
  4. Set time for contested divorce: A specific time should be provided to the spouse so that they can file the forms.
  5. Complete the Deck Divorce package: This includes the following :
    1. Noting in Default
    2. Request for Divorce
    3. Parenting after separation certificate
    4. Affidavit of applicant
    5. Child support calculation
    6. Divorce judgement
    7. Two stamped envelopes
  6. File the Desk Divorce package : Once you have all the above documents in place, you can place each document in proper order and submit the package.
  7. Clerks review documents: A designated clerk reviews all the documents before forwarding it to the judge. If there are any missing documents, you will be notified here.
  8. Judge signs: Judge receives all the documents and makes the final decision for the overall case. Once the judge gives the decision, you can receive the judgement in the mail.
  9. Get your certificate of Divorce: You can officially collect the certificate of divorce from any of the registry offices in Alberta.


As you might expect the divorce is exhausting process and can be emotionally disturbing as well. To avoid confusion and smoothly get through the divorce process, we strongly recommend you to connect with one of the divorce lawyers at Right Legal, in Edmonton, Alberta. Your lawyers can help you with right consultation and much needed support during the entire process.

The post Regular Divorce with dependent children – Everything you need to know in Alberta. appeared first on Right Legal.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Spousal Support: Important things you must consider

Under the Federal Divorce Act, a spousal support is most likely to be effective when there is a difference between the incomes of two spouses’ after they separate from each other. However, there might be cases when a court may decide against this. In those cases, the spouse with the lower income will not be entitled to support. These may arise in case that spouse possesses a lot of assets or the difference in their incomes cannot be traced during their relationship.

Under the provincial law, in Edmonton, Alberta, a common-law partner may be eligible for spousal support from the other partner. This depends on the duration for which the couple lived together before getting separated. For example, a common-law couple must live together for two or three years before either partner for being eligible for spousal support.

Factors judges consider

It is an extremely important decision from the standpoint of both the partners. Therefore, Judges must consider a number of factors when deciding if a spouse should get support after a divorce. These factors include:

  1. the financial means and needs of both spouses;
  2. the duration of the marriage;
  3. the roles of each spouse during their marriage;
  4. the effect of the decision on both the spouses’ current financial positions;
  5. the care of the children;
  6. the goal of encouraging a spouse who receives support to be self-sufficient in a reasonable period of time; and
  7. any orders, agreements or arrangements already made about spousal support.

Judges must also consider whether spousal support would meet the following purposes:

  1. to compensate the spouse with the lower income for sacrificing some power to earn income during the marriage;
  2. to compensate the spouse with the lower income for ongoing care of children; or
  3. to help a spouse who is in financial need if the other spouse has the ability to pay.


At the same time, the judge must consider that a spouse who receives support has an obligation to become self-supporting, where reasonable.

More details can be found here.

Spousal Misconduct

There is no-fault divorce law in Edmonton, Alberta. This means the reasons for ending the marriage does not affect a spouse’s legal obligation to support the other spouse following a divorce.


Payment of both Child and Spousal Support

If either spouse is paying child support, the judge must also determine how a requirement to pay spousal support would affect child support payments. The Divorce Act clearly states that a judge must give priority to child support when a person applies for both child and spousal support. Both parents have an obligation to support their children.

You can connect one of our divorce lawyers now.

Our Divorce Lawyers at Right Legal in Edmonton, Alberta can help learn more.



The post Spousal Support: Important things you must consider appeared first on Right Legal.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Entrepreneurs at some stage are keen to bring investors (either angel investors or VC’s) on board. It comes with a lot of documentation and legal formalities. One such important document in the Term Sheet which most entrepreneurs find difficult to understand.

What is Term Sheet?

A term sheet is an agreement detailing the key deal terms and valuation of the company which the founding team and investors have reached as an agreement. The term sheet is just an informal agreement and isn’t legally bounded. It doesn’t imply any obligations for either the investor or the business to initiate the investments or the transfer of shares.

What does a Term Sheet contain?

Each business is unique and has its own requirements. It is always recommended to have a customized term sheet which suits your business model. A business is therefore recommended to consult with a Business Lawyer to draft the term sheet.

Key terms that must be included in a term sheet:

Details of money invested:  A convertible note (credit which has an option of getting converted into equity at a future date) of an equivalent amount may be created and kept as a guarantee.

Type of stock: The kind of stock allotted to the investor must be mentioned in the term sheet. The type of stock most favored by investors is preferred shares which entitles them to vote and give an upper hand in case of liquidation.

Board of Directors:  E The decision of getting someone on the board of directors must be mutually agreed and roles and responsibilities of each should be clearly mentioned.

Equity Dilution:  Early investors can have the right to buy shares at the new price, which may be lower and in priority. They can also and maintain their existing ownership by the time they want it to.  All these information must be included in the term sheet.

Tranches:  Tranches defines the stages in which the investor wants to transfer cash to the startup. The period of tranches must be clearly specified in the term sheet as it reduces both the founders and investor’s risk.

Right to buy shares back:  This ‘right of first refusal’ allows existing owners to reclaim shares that are about to be sold to a new investor. This prevents the ownership of the company. It is ideal for founding team to exercise this option and clearly mention in the term sheet to avoid confusion later on.


Our Business Lawyers based out of Edmonton, Alberta can help you create a term sheet for your business.



The post appeared first on Right Legal.

Important Tips for Buying Investment Properties in Edmonton, Alberta

Buying your first investment property can be a challenging endeavor. It is becoming increasingly popular in Alberta, especially with the employment and economic boom that we’re experiencing, due to heightened employment opportunities. Purchasing an investment property when your mortgage is paid off is a great way to earn extra cash as long as you’re prepared to take on all of the responsibilities of being a landlord. Generally looking for a property in an area where rents and demand for properties will rise in the future is your best bet. If you’re looking for an investment property in Alberta, there are a few things to look for.


What are you prepared to spend on this new investment; please note that investment properties require a minimum of 20% down-payment on the purchase of the property? Will you have to take out a loan? When you set our budget, make sure to include property taxes, utilities (if you’re planning to pay them), mortgage, maintenance fees and even land title office fees.


When you have your budget set you should know approximately what neighborhoods you can look at in your price range. Once you have them narrowed down, have a look at all of the listings to make sure there aren’t too many properties on the market and that the properties are selling for a reasonable price. Getting the cheapest house is not necessarily the best idea. Also, if you are in a transient area (like a University area) you can expect young tenants and high turnover for renters. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but you will have to put more work into renting it out on a regular basis. Also, take a look at the number of vacancies on the block – are there too many? If so, it may be a neighborhood in trouble.

You can find more details from Service Alberta here.


What are the amenities like around the neighborhood you’re looking at? Specifically, the addition of these amenities (either current or in the future) can help you raise your rent which is an advantage:

  • Grocery store
  • Transit
  • Reputable Schools (elementary and/or universities)
  • Walking or jogging paths
  • Restaurants

Crime Rate

For obvious reasons, you would most likely want an investment property in an area with a lower crime rate.


Make sure you know what the city’s development plan for your area is (if any) and what they will be building in and around your property in the coming years. Development can have both a negative and positive effect on what you charge for rental fees.

For more information, you can connect with our Real Estate Lawyers based out of Edmonton, Alberta.



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