Friday, April 27, 2018

Drunken Driving in Edmonton, Alberta

You all might be aware of the fact that drinking while driving or drunken driving is a disgraceful act for anyone. There are many advertisements, hoardings or news which inform you about the harmful effects of drunk driving cases. In many cases, innocent people lose their lives because someone else was irresponsible. When people are drunk they are not conscious of their surroundings therefore drinking and driving should never and can harm many people. Drunk driving is a criminal offense with many criminal defense lawyers specializing in the area.

A drinking and driving charge can make a permanent black mark on your record and you may have to face very harsh punishments. However, sometimes people are wrongly accused. If you are facing a DWI or DUI charge then a DUI lawyer in Edmonton should be consulted. They will fight your case with their best effort and help you be free from any and all charges.

DUI defense lawyers will also inform you about the details of your case and all the possible outcomes. Basically operating a motor vehicle after the consumption of alcohol beverage is classified as driving while intoxicated. There are several classifications of DWI. The most important point is depending on the blood alcohol content, evidence of prior convictions and other considerations may be treated differently by the police, prosecution, and courts. There are different sections of laws for DUI cases.

DWI lawyers in downtown Edmonton explain that DWI law can be prosecuted under two different legal theories. In the first one, a person can be prosecuted for violating the per se law, which is truly based on the alcohol content in the blood at the time the motorist was driving.

A Drunk Driver lawyer will fight your case according to the legal theories. The second theory explains that a person can be prosecuted under the traditional common law that is practiced generally. Even, if you are charged as guilty in the case, lawyers will help you to reduce the penalty according to your case. You can get all the information about the procedure of an impaired driving charge and DUI case by visiting the impaired driving site of Alberta here. You can benefit from the credible, reliable and affordable DWI and DUI legal services and get the required justice. For more information see the Safe Roads Project.


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Thursday, April 26, 2018

Alberta Workers Compensation Lawyers 

Through their efficient and effective services, Workers Compensation lawyers have become one of the best and most preferred resources for those injured on the job.

Employees and workers in any company are entitled to certain benefits to help them in time of need. Any workplace, be it in office or in the field, consists of certain amount risks in several ways. People working in construction companies have a higher chance of suffering to injury if appropriate precaution is not exercised. Accidents caused during work can lead in serious injuries, making the person incapable of working for a certain period. This will leave the person having to deal with the injuries and all the medical bills with a loss of pay. This can be a huge difficulty which can hurt the person’s physical and emotional state to a great extent. At times like these, people can use the rights and benefits they are entitled to. This way they will be able to deal with the injuries and the expenses and loss of pay associated with. However, availing these benefits is not an easy task and most people are underpaid for their injuries. Several others have also been denied their benefits. At such times, it is essential to have a legal counsel who will be able to assist the injured in getting the compensation for their injuries. There are several lawyers in the city who offer services, but most of them are expensive. It is therefore best to choose the services of workers compensation lawyer that is familiar with WCB claims in Edmonton, Alberta.

Edmonton based lawyers have been providing superior legal services to all their clients at affordable legal fees for the past 100 years. They are trained and highly skilled lawyers, with several years of expertise in all areas of law. They are dedicated professional who provide every client with individualized attention and ensure to use all their resources, attention and skills to derive the best results. They understand the client’s situation and put every effort to educate the clients and help them understand the laws associated with the case and the several procedures involved. This way, the lawyers work together with the clients and build a strong case that will be able to get the best compensation that the injured deserves.

Workplace injury law in Edmonton is among the top in Canada have due to their high resolve rate and an impressive track record of performance in client satisfaction. They provide all legal assistance associated with personal injuries and workplace injury/accident compensation.

Note: This is not and should not be taken as legal advice.

Additional resources:


The post Alberta Workers Compensation Lawyers  appeared first on Right Legal.

Monday, April 23, 2018

5 Asset Protection Tips

Essential Asset Protection Tips

It doesn’t matter how much money you make or how much you have saved there are certain asset protection tips everybody should know, and there is no excuse for not being familiar with them.

Assets can be property, goods, a business or money you have saved or inherited. The term refers to anything of worth that you have and that someone else may try to take from you, whether it is in the form of a tax lien for unpaid taxes or the settlement of a lawsuit.

Having identified what you have collected and wish to hang onto, the question then becomes what is the best way to protect the assets you have worked to obtain?

Here are some tips everyone should be familiar with no matter  your bank account size:

1. Keep a low profile. Although it is unpleasant to think about, Canada is one of the most litigious countries in the world, and people file frivolous lawsuits every single day. However, they are less likely to file a lawsuit against you or your estate if they do not think that you have the money to pay a settlement. Similarly, lawyers are less likely to take on a potentially frivolous case if there are no assets in question.

2. Separate your assets. Again, although it is unfortunate, lawsuits are a reality and effective asset protection has to address the potential fallout of these lawsuits. If you keep your assets held by separate Edmonton based Limited Liability Corporations (LLCs), then an unfavorable judgment in a lawsuit against one property may not be able to affect the other assets.

*Need a primer on legal corporate definitions? See this site.

3. Avoid general partnerships. General partnerships allow each partner a great deal of authority over one another. If you are in a general partnership, your partner can make major decisions and agreements on behalf of the partnership without consulting you, such as signing for a large loan. Although you were not there when the loan was procured, as a general partner you will be responsible for the repayment of that loan.

4. Keep good insurance. No matter how confident you feel about your asset protection plan, good insurance is an absolute necessity, from car insurance to your homeowners’ policy and everything in between. Under-insuring leaves you and your estate at risk.

5. Get good advice. Speak to a trusted and experienced lawyer in Edmonton and take his or her advice into account as you create a comprehensive estate plan that protects your assets.

When you have worked hard to build an estate, you should take the necessary steps to protect your assets from unforeseen problems or frivolous lawsuits.

The best form of asset protection is to ensure you have updated legal documents such as wills and trusts that will protect those things you hold dear. If you live in and around Edmonton, Alberta, we can contact you with the top estate planning lawyers today for great advice at affordable rates on this important topic.

Please note: This article is not legal advice, please contact a lawyer for assistance if you have been injured in a car accident

The post 5 Asset Protection Tips appeared first on Right Legal.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Car Accidents and Damages in Edmonton, Alberta

Information on how to seek damages for vehicle-related accidents in Alberta

It’s common knowledge that if you are injured in a car accident and you are at no fault, then you want to sue the at-fault party for your injuries, but you can not do just that? Well, it is unbelievable in your country’s law. However, this is a truth in Ontario, a place of difficult-to-understand car insurance system which limits the ability of the injured person to sue with a lot of restrictions.

There are a number of restrictions in Alberta on an injured person’s ability to sue for injuries and damages from an accident. One restriction is known as the “threshold”.The threshold is a legal test that an injured person has to meet in many cases to be able to claim for some types of losses, such as pain and suffering. If you do not meet the threshold, then, in many cases, you are not entitled to anything for pain and suffering. The threshold does not apply to everything (ie: income losses). To meet the threshold, the test is often, whether or not the injured person sustained a “permanent, serious impairment of an important physical, mental or psychological function”.

These words are interpreted by statutes and case-law. Another restriction on an injured person’s right to sue is the “deductible”.The deductible is an amount of money that, in many cases, is subtracted from whatever amount your pain and suffering is worth.  There is a statue of limitations on car/vehicle accidents in Alberta – for more information on the law in Alberta click here.

You may also benefit from the Court of the Queen’s Bench Vehicle Claims Act available here.

So, that means that if your pain and suffering are valued at $50,000, then, if the deductible applied, the amount would be reduced by $30,000, leaving only $20,000. The deductible does not apply to pain and suffering that is assessed at more than $100,000 and there are a number of other exceptions. It is best to consult a lawyer in Edmonton about these issues so that you fully understand your rights.

Please note: This article is not legal advice, please contact a lawyer for assistance if you have been injured in a car accident

The post Car Accidents and Damages in Edmonton, Alberta appeared first on Right Legal.